Do pai sme dorazili na obed bolo tam vcelku teplo aj keď to je v horách je to mala dedina kde je zopár ulíc ale je vidieť že je to miesto kam chodia rad aj thajsky turisti. Okolo sú samé ryžové polia (teraz bolo zimne obdobie takže nie sú zelene v júni môžu byt nádherné ) bambusové domčeky zopár vodopádov a watov čínska dedina a pod. zaujímavosti je to taká pohodová dedinka ….. každý večer tam je walking street ….ceny tovarov sú tu za rozumnú cenu a človek tu nemá pocit že ho chcú thajci obtiahnuť (česť vinimkam) . Ubytovanie som hľadal asi hodinu väčšina GH bola obsadená takže nakoniec som našiel ubytovanie za 400 bath na noc ale bolo to vcelku slušné aj keď reálna cena bola okolo 200-300 bath ale keďže bolo všade plno mohli si to dovoliť. Po okolí pai sme pobehali na motorke zopár vodopádov a wat nad mestom a taktiež most cez rieku z 2 setovej vojny. Sadli sme si na dobru kávu v Coffe in love s výhľadom na cele údolie kde bol prekrásny výhľad … na toto miesto sa chodilo fotiť mnoho thajcov z Bangkoku ktorý sem chodili na výlety …. Bolo vcelku zaujímavé si všímať rozdiely medzi miestnymi thajcami a thajcami z BKK .. thajci z BKK nastylovani moderným značkovým oblečeným všetci mali najnovšie Iphony v rukách a na krkoch mali zavesene fotoaparáty Nikon s 2 objektívmi….to mali ako povinne úbory v táboroch….k móde sa nebudem radšej vyjadrovať ale vyzerali ako šašovia a opice ….ale keď sa im to páči nech si to obliekajú …… Večerné prechádzky boli fajn aj keď bolo dosť chladno večer sa predával teplý čaj (thajci si dávali do neho lad) ktorý vám servírovali do bambusových pohárov. (nikdy by ma nenapadlo ze si v Thajsku budem kupovať horúci čaj na ulici) . Posledný deň v Pai pri vodopádoch ma oslovil jeden chalan ci sa náhodou nevolám Markoff (co je jeden kamarát čo cestuje po Ázii) hovorím že nie som ale že ho poznám. Tak nakoniec sa ukázalo že to je Dano zo slovenska ktorý cestuje s pritenkou Ľubou a idú podľa blogu ktorý si píše Markoff ma tam dosť presných informácii takže sa vedia ľahko zorientovať. Dano ma spoznal asi z 3 fotiek ktoré ma Markoff na blogu (proste taká náhoda )Večer sme si dali s nimi večeru a porozprávali sme zážitky z cestovania. Keďže som sa zdravotne necítil najlepšie nepokračovali sme do Mae Hong son ale išli sme naspäť do Chiang mai.
Chiang mai-Pai
Tento obsah bol zaradený v Thajsko. Zálohujte si trvalý odkaz.
35 reakcií na Chiang mai-Pai
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Prepáčte, ale pred zanechaním komentára sa musíte prihlásiť.
dufam ze ste navstivili kanon ked ste tam boli, ten mi prisiel asi najzaujimavejsi a tiez susedne dedinky s kmenmi cestou k roznym vodopadom, velmi mnamozne miesto
ta cena 300-400B ma zarazila, to ste tam boli asi cez vikend, nie? v prac. dni ked som tam bol tam bolo prijemne prazdno
ano pobehali sme to tam asi vsetko …. asi preto ze to bolo pred chiness new year ………som 3 rok uz v thajsku a mozem ti povedat ze sa poriadne zmenilo ,(hlavne zdrazelo ) boli sme radi ze sme nieco nasli bolo tam ubytko o 100 bathov lacnejsie ale o 5 kategorii nizsie takze sme zobrali toto…. proste thajci zacinaju byt nenazrani a nevedia co pytat za sluzby a jedla tu na phangane sa za 50 bathov skoro nikde nenajes (je este par miest) ale ceny tu su u hocakeho stareho stanku zbuchaneho s doskami okolo 60 -120 bathov pricom sedis na rozpadnutej plastovej stolicke s prasnou podlahou a tien ti robi igelitove vrece z piva chang a ked sa poridne popozeraz tak viez najst restauraciu zariadenu k obkladacami a drevenymi stolickami obsluhou a vsetkym co k tomu patri za tie iste ceny. Po asi 6 mesiacoch sa mi to tu zda uplne zmene. Takze asi tolko.
no odisiel som v polovici juna 2011, nechce sa mi verit ze by sa za tych 7 mesiacov ceny tak zmenili, skor to bude tym cinskym novym rokom a hl. sezonou (v pripade pai este mozno vikendom, ktory ma spolu s Kanchanaburi velky vplyv na zaplnenost hotelov kedze su to miesta kde chodi aj kopec Thajcov), aj ked teda aj pocas nej nebol predtym problem s jedlom a vcelku ani ubytkom, vsak som tam bol aj na prelome 2010/2011
celkovo ma thajsko s ich 30d vizami az tak neberie aj ked sa tam urcite chcem vratit, naozaj lepsie dat peniaze filipincom ci malajzijcanom
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1 point submitted 10 days agoI not upset about
your opinion I just find arguments more productive than simple
discussions where we agree with each other on everything and nothing new
is brought to the table sorry if I seemed confrontational about this(i was just coming
in with as many counter points (no matter how flimsy) as I could
to keep the brain juices flowing), and the way that I have the player play it is not
that they get angry or something just that
in a moment of weakness the possessor would take over if I was beaten half to death I
wouldn be entirely right of mind so to me it would make
sense that it be easier for a possession to take over,
also on the adrenaline part its not that your actually physically stronger its just that your
using it to its full potential like in the case
of Mrs. Angela Cavallo where she lifted a car long enough
for someone to go under and save her unconscious
grandchild Tony Cavallo its a fascinating story about life or death situations
and the affects of adrenaline but I sure if you asked her the next day to do the same shed laugh you out of her home while holding her sore and probably muscle torn arms that just how i would see it working your becoming less
dexterous due to the fact that your exerting more strength than your body is used to, also on the word „trigger“ I using it in the sense of something that makes something else happen not like when the girl at starbucks gets
upset because your wearing a hat she doesn likeExtremelyVile
92 points submitted 19 days agoFiend Patron can be a succubus
or incubus looking to create more Fiend offspring with a
mortal, but the mortal needs to be „powerful enough“ to withstand the ordeal.
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It’s a brilliant farce, and one of the best written, and best performed, sitcoms ever.
With so many episodes, and so many particularly great
episodes, choosing a top 20 is difficult. How tough is it?
So tough that this was originally a top 10 list, but paring it down that
far felt unfair to a show this good. 3. Assassination AttemptIn June of 1968, former
Factory figure and feminist Valerie Solanas attempted to murder Warhol, shooting him in the chest.
Solanas was unhappy after being turned away from the studio earlier that same day,
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We looking forward to celebrating the season with our family and
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„Everybody was winking and nodding.“[12]The US Ambassador to
at the time,, met frequently with General Gustavo Alvarez Martnez.[13] In summarising
declassified US documents showing telegrams (cables) sent and received by Negroponte during his period as US Ambassador to, the National
Security Archive states that „reporting on human rights atrocities“ committed by Battalion 3 16 is „conspicuously absent from the cable traffic“ and that „Negroponte’s cables reflect no protest, or even discussion of these issues during his many meetings with General Alvarez, his deputies and Honduran President Robert Suazo. Nor do the released cables contain any reporting to Washington on the human rights abuses that were taking place.“[13]In 2002,
COFADEH stated that „Many retired or active 3 16 agents have been included as intelligence advisors in the National Prevention Police.“[1]Seven former members of Battalion 3 16
(Billy Joya, Alvaro Romero, Erick Snchez, Onofre Oyuela Oyuela, Napolen Nassar Herrera, Vicente Rafael Canales Nuez, Salomn Escoto Salinas and Ren Maradianga Pancham) occupied
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Ulster, the fourth province, broke away from mainland Ireland creating
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put the future of Northern Ireland in the hands of the Irish, it is faced with the.
It’s sincerely a sad thing. I just finished the last season and
started in the first with Farrah’s 26 birthday party.
I’m torn between thinking David is kind of a nut (he acts strange) and agreeing with him 100% that farrah needs to be in intensive therapy.
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told her gently. „I can’t really justify hiring hula dancers for a birthday party.“To her credit, she took it rather well.
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I had cable tv in my little studio apartment in graduate
school, and I watched the whole thing run again on the SciFi cable channel.
Even though my taste in visual effects had matured considerably, I still really enjoyed it.
I got the psychological angles a lot more with those viewings.
This was the time when a considerable number of women stood up against the notion of
„superiority of white male“ and vehemently protested against „inferiority of blacks and/or females“.
With women actively participating in the anti slavery movement, a few men felt that the sanctity of civilized society was being threatened and excluded women from joining the anti slavery convention in London in 1840.
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later, „Oh, Pretty Woman“ was completed. A
riff laden masterpiece that employed a playful growl he got from a
Bob Hope movie, the epithet mercy Orbison uttered when he was unable to hit a
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And if you think the traffic in Asheville is bad, you
have no idea what bad really is. Since the area was originally a small, rural community, the roads and infrastructure
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Sling is better than Hulu live, but Hulu has my local nfl
channels. Once nfl season is over, probably switch back to Sling, unless dvr
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and their three children Lauren, Jordan, and Brittany. Market, ending labor unrest,
completing expansion plans, and modernizing the views of the „old guard“ within the ownership ranks.[17]When Bettman started as commissioner,
the league had already expanded by three teams to 24 starting with the 1991 92
season, and two more were set to be announced
by the expansion committee: the Florida Panthers and Mighty Ducks of
Anaheim, who would begin play in 1993 94.[18] Led by Bettman, the league focused expansion and relocation efforts
during the rest of the 1990s on the American South, working to
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At the suggestion of Stone’s friend, saxophonist Jerry Martini, Sly and Freddie combined their bands, creating Sly and the Family Stone in November 1966.
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gender roles. People who are trans tend to internalize and adopt the roles of their gender, in spite of society attempts to indoctrinate them otherwise.
If societal forces are strong enough to affect neurological
development and cognitive function in cis populations and there plenty of evidence they are then those forces will be just
as powerful in shaping the brains and minds of trans folks..
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in a comedy film in Pittsburgh earlier that year. The film, which
was made on a budget of approximately $1 million, is expected to be released in September
2014.[27][28] On June 26, he announced that the film would be
titled Not Cool.[29] It was part of a Starz original series called The Chair, in which two novice directors
are given the same script and must each make their
own film from it. People who watched both films then voted online to vote for the films.
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D’on returned to France in October 1760, and was granted a pension of
2,000 livres as reward for service in Russia. In May 1761, d’on became a captain of dragoons under the marchal
de Broglie and fought in the later stages of the Seven Years‘ War.
D’on served at the Battle of Villinghausen in July 1761, and
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Arnaz pushed the network to allow them to show Ball pregnant.
It was formerly the custom for senior judges
to join Serjeants‘ Inn, thereby leaving the Inn in which they had practised as barristers.
This meant that the Masters of the Bench of the four barristers‘ Inns of
Court were mostly themselves barristers. Since there is now no Serjeants‘ Inn, judges remain in the Inns which they
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With the new narrower sleeves, coats and jackets returned to fashion. These
were generally knee length with a cape like collar.
Ankle length cloaks with cape collars to cover slits for
the arms were worn in cold or wet weather. Slade, Christmas
Everybody Best known for glam tastic hits like On Feel
the Noize (covered with great success in America in the by metal band
Quiet Riot), Slade was on its way out in England when it recorded this
gorgeous smash hit Christmas song that singer Noddy Holder still refers to as his plan since it
widely played in Europe at Christmas time. In America, however, the
song is pretty obscure. But lovely.
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was like the British Empire or the British Constitution a thing that had grown to its present importance.
Unlike any other roads in Europe the British high roads have never been subjected to any organised attempts to grade or straighten them out, and to that no doubt their peculiar picturesqueness
is to be ascribed. The old Bun Hill High Street drops at its
end for perhaps eighty or a hundred feet of descent at an angle of one in five,
turns at right angles to the left, runs in a curve for about thirty yards to
a brick bridge over the dry ditch that had once been the
Otterbourne, and then bends sharply to the right again round a dense clump of trees and goes on, a simple, straightforward, peaceful high road.
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I think she can be innappropriate, but most kids won notice.
Now that you have all of your supplies and your icing is made, we can get
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After studying the reference materials for Rapunzel, I drew out the repeating floral pattern for her bodice and
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TIP: When rounding a corner, leave the needle of the sewing machine down, lift
the foot, turn the fabric, lower the foot, and turn. In 1793,
Paris sent a new minister, Edmond Charles Gent (known as Citizen Gent),
who systematically mobilized pro French sentiment and encouraged
Americans to support France’s war against Britain and Spain. Gent funded local Democratic Republican Societies that attacked Federalists.[29] He hoped for a favorable new treaty and for repayment
of the debts owed to France. Acting aggressively, Gent outfitted privateers
that sailed with American crews under a French flag and attacked British shipping.
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clip in extensions Well, at least they shouldn have to worry
about being kicked off their ancestral land, have all their
equipment and holdings seized without compensation and possibly face
physical threat, as the South African farmers currently do.
The poor should be able to attend food banks in their communities without being elbowed out of line by aggressive
illegal economic migrants as they do in many towns in Germany.
White women should be able to walk freely in their home towns without fear of harassment from „guests“ in their country.
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360 lace wigs „I’m a 75 year old man. President John F. Kennedy.. The nose is a simple triangle. I used a large jar lid to trace the smile from one cheek to the other. If you mess up, erase with the white eraser. He was invited to Scotland where he helped David Dale establish the cotton mills at New Lanark. A large new mill at Birkacre, Lancashire, was destroyed, however, in the anti machinery riots in 1779. Arkwright in 1775 obtained for a grand patent[5] covering many processes that he hoped would give him monopoly power over the fast growing industry, but Lancashire opinion was bitterly hostile to exclusive patents; in 1781 Arkwright tried and failed to uphold his monopolistic 1775 patent 360 lace wigs.
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After the bankruptcy trial in 1989, the script was rewritten.
Spacey at first declined the role, but finally decided to take it,
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Names and pronunciations vary by country and region. Eugenia pronounced „U Gene E Ah“
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Saurfang’s lips pulled back into a snarl.
The power of nature was not found in the swing of a fist or
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by fire and yet returned in only a few years. I Tip extensions
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one of my professors individually. I try and get help on homework and go to
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The tongs were generally heated over a gas or alcohol flame and the correct temperature was achieved by testing
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That said, I do see the point of the Forbes article linked that disagreed with the mom for posting the picture of her son dressed up in his costume.
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Because of her actions, a breed will continue to be maligned and her pit bull
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Rudner also has a role as the character ‚Bunny‘ in her husband’s 2011 film Thanks,
which had its world premiere at the 2011 Palm Springs Film
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Her initiation ceremony had a pro wrestling theme.
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A depressed person will suck the life out of you if the refuse
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1 day agoI commented on this the other day and someone literally replied, „I like the height for braking during my commute because I can see better.“ As someone who
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I’ve never had more fun than going into buildings with my
best buddies and doing what we’re supposed to do. Unfortunately, Marie’s attempts to consummate with her husband fail and the
marriage remains childless. Marie spends most of her time buying extravagant clothes and gambling.
After a masquerade ball, Marie and Louis return to
find that the King has smallpox; he orders du Barry to leave Versailles,
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Even if starting tomorrow I could never consume another piece
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I Tip extensions Ronon stayed alive for seven years by learning several new tricks
and deciding to hunt them back with his weapons.[5] He
owns a unique energy pistol which emits red bursts of
energy that stun or kill at the user’s discretion. It resembles a revolver
with a power cell where the ammunition cylinder would be located.[6] (The same type of weapon is shown to
be used by a people in the season 4 episode „Travelers“, but Ronon displays no knowledge of these people.)[7] Ronon also carries a sword; the hilt is made from a Wraith mandible and humerus wrapped in Wraith hair, the blade is
made from the metal of a Wraith ship, and the scabbard is made from a Wraith leather coat.[8] The episode „The Hive“ shows Ronon carrying several knives hidden on his person for
use in emergencies. (He uses four in the episode and it is implied there may be more.) Ronon’s seemingly unlimited
supply of these blades is a source of occasional comic relief.[9].
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You are just a biggidy bitch. Valvano is most recognized for
his reaction of running around on the court looking for somebody to
hug in the moments after the Wolfpack victory came after
the game winning shot in the 1983 NCAA finals.
Dereck Whittenburg heaved a last second desperation shot that
was caught short of the rim and dunked by Lorenzo Charles as time expired.[3][4]
By a score of 54 52, NC State beat a top seeded University of Houston team that was on a 26 game winning streak and
was led by future Hall of Famers Clyde Drexler and
Hakeem Olajuwon. NC State had won the college title nine years earlier in 1974 under Sloan; led on the court
by David Thompson, the Wolfpack ended UCLA’s
streak of seven consecutive national titles when it beat the John Wooden’s Bruins and Bill Walton 80 77 in double overtime in the national semifinal game.[12]In 1989, accusations
of rules violations surfaced in the book Personal Fouls by Peter Golenbock.
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Atlantis.In 1996, Sirtis starred as a villainous police detective in the British made for television movie, Gadgetman. She played a
villainess once again when she guest starred as a race track owner under investigation following the death of a driver in Diagnosis: Murder in 1998.
The independent movie Paradise Lost, with Sirtis in a starring
role, was released in 1999.Beginning in 1999, Sirtis
returned to science fiction television in a number of roles starting with The Outer
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